Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Cellphone

My friend was very addicted to texting to random strangers. Because of that you will never see her without her cellphone in her hand or pocket. She always carry it wherever she goes. It was her source of energy and entertainment.

But so happened during the month of October, her cellphone was stolen from here. What happened was she was texting (again) with her cellphone in the market. Here in the Philippines thieves are rampant in public places... so while she was holding her cellphone a guy suddenly ran, grab her cellphone, and escape among the sea of people. Well, she cried all night and day about this incident..., it was her fault to start with but anyway.

Her family got annoyed but it so they decided to buy her a second hand cellphone for they can't afford to buy a brand new one. They strolled into some pawnshops and luckily found one shop selling a cellphone with touch screen.

My friend was so overjoyed that the next morning she showed it to us up to the point where she lied in saying that it was "imported" and stuff. During that time a person owning a touch screen cellphone was very rare in our campus. But she never new that it will be the cause of her troubles...

One night, after a week from buying her new cellphone, she was busy texting us about stuff that happened in school, our project, and some random things. She went down to drink water(cause her room is on the second floor) and left her cellphone in her bed. When she went back, the floor was wet with water and her room was messy. Thinking that it was just her sister who went inside her room after taking a shower, she pay no attention to it and continued to lay in her bed. In the following days the same event happened except that on the fifth day there were hairs on the floor, mixed with the water. She got scared to this and finally talked to her sister thinking is was her fault.

Her sister denied this and told her that she doesn't take shower in the evening. She still couldn't believe what her sister said so she decided to ask her parents about it. They just regarded it as nothing. Thinking there is nothing she could do she decided to sleep.

It was late night and as she describe it, it was unnaturally cold. She was still cold after layers of blankets covering her body. The chill made her got up her bed. Then, her cellphone suddenly flash but it did not ring. She took it and expect it. Then what happened next gave chills in her spine.

A girl with bloody face was projected in the cellphone....and its hand was reaching to her face. It scared the hell out of here but her voice was sealed. She hoped to run but her feet froze. As the hand materialize outside the phone she finally found her footing and ran outside her room. She screamed and woke up her family.

She told them what happened and decided to go back to her room, and found her cellphone in the toilet.
The next day she told us what happened, all of us went with her to return the cellphone back to the pawnshop.... only to find out that the pawnshop was not there anymore. The space where it she said where it is was vacant...

She freaked out to this cause she was with her family during the time when she bought it. Out of fear she decided to burn the phone near in the vacant lot.... and we went home still consoling her, but still have it hard to believe in her story... until...

The next morning we were called for class attendance but she was marked absent during that day.... and the following week... we never knew that it was the last time we would see her...

Source: http://www.teckler.com/en/Frane/Philippines-True-Ghost-Story-1-The-Cellphone-215737

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